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Here at Phluff, we aim to provide a platform for primarily marginalized voices; to share their opinions, passions, and perspectives on the topics of music, cannabis, and the intersection of the two. While also encouraging readers to think about music and cannabis beyond the superficial.

We focus on highlighting musicians and cannabis community members from diverse backgrounds, and prioritize the perspectives of those who have historically been left out of the conversation.

Phluff started in 2018, hoping to introduce you to your new favorite music. But now we’ve expanded to offer various viewpoints and consumer education on the topic of cannabis. We believe that being more mindful when it comes to the consumption of both music and cannabis, can only result in a better experience for all-- and we want to be a part of helping to make that happen for you!

All of our fantastic contributors currently offer their content and efforts for FREE. We're hoping to change that soon!

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Phluff dołączył 4 lata temu.

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