Open Source Diversity For more diversity & inclusion in free & open source software communities 😊

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Open source design & community management

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Biuletyny pomagają śledzić co dzieje się w społeczności i które projekty wymagają wsparcia. Biuletyny jeszcze nie działają, ale już teraz możesz je subskrybować.

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Open Source Diversity is a collective of people who want to push more diversity & inclusion in free & open source software communities. 🌼

There are a lot of "diversity in tech" initiatives, but we specifically focus on open source since it’s a starting point for many people, and the imbalance is much stronger there than in tech overall. We are also not only focused on women*, but also include people of color, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups. 😊

Right now we have a hub website at showcasing diversity & inclusion initiatives which are already out there. It should be an entry point both for projects to learn how to improve, and for people of underrepresented groups to know how to get involved. 👏