

silly guy that makes silly music

iamd3ad_un1corn otrzymuje 0,00 € tygodniowo od 0 patronów.
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(just my bio cuz idk what else to add lol)

Music chose D3ad.

You could say it started at age 12 when he first began writing poems. But looking back now, he recognizes he always felt music’s pull - it’s just who he is.

Now, D3ad is fulfilling his dream of helping people through music. Blending elements of famous artists like Billie Eilish, Lil Peep and Melanie Martinez, his most popular song, "lol brb gonna go kms", has generated thousands of streams on different platforms.

With a sound that is both hauntingly beautiful and achingly raw, D3ad challenges the boundaries of conventional music, pushing the envelope with each new track and captivating audiences with his raw authenticity.

In a world where vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, he fearlessly lays bare his soul through music, creating a powerful connection with fans who resonate with the honesty and depth of his artistry.

When not entrancing audiences, you can find him recharging through connecting with nature and giving back by volunteering in local animal shelters.

Experience D3ad’s music on Spotify (and other platforms).

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