

I'm poor 🙇 are you able to help?

uzumakiharutojp ma 0 patronów.


I know we all want to grasp our own dreams. I, too, would like to achieve a certain dream, but I need some help... In short, I want to live in Japan forever.

But, I don't have a job, I don't have a degree, and those dreams are far away... So, at the very least, I would like to freelance. For example, I can take professional photos. I can edit photos. I often feel that in this world, those self-made skills don't matter. This world has lost its creativity. I don't like that type of life at all and I will not allow it. Because of my undying determination...I have become poor. Unless an employer hires you, creative work will not be rewarded.

Will you help me?

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