

Backstroke ma 0 patronów.


Backstroke is a Github bot used to to keep repository forks up to date with their upstream. Backstroke is partially funded by a DigitalOcean Sponsorship, but I also pay some money out of pocket to rent a $10/month droplet from DigitalOcean. If you find Backstroke to be a helpful service or rely on it as part of your business or open source project, I'd really appreciate any contribution you'd be willing to make. Thanks!



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Backstroke posiada następujące konta na innych platformach:


dashboard Gwiazdki 6 Zaktualizowano 5 lat temu

The backstroke dashboard is a frontend dashboard to the backstroke service

server Gwiazdki 667 Zaktualizowano 5 lat temu

:swimmer: A Github bot to keep repository forks up to date with their upstream.

worker Gwiazdki 5 Zaktualizowano 6 lat temu

The Backstroke worker eats off a queue of link operations, creating pull requests for the Backstroke server.


Backstroke dołączył 6 lat temu.

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