

Support Needed: Keeping Our Game Servers Running!

Ben_Taylor otrzymuje 0,00 € tygodniowo od 0 patronów.
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Dear friends and supporters,

I'm launching this fundraising campaign to seek your support in operating and further developing my game servers. As a passionate gamer and server operator, I understand the importance of creating a reliable and enjoyable gaming environment.

Your donations will help cover the ongoing costs of the servers, perform software updates, and enhance the performance of the server infrastructure. Additionally, they will allow me to introduce new games and features to enrich the gaming experience for all of you.

With your generous support, I can ensure that our gaming community continues to have a place where we can come together, have fun, and create memories. Whether you're a regular player or just drop by occasionally, every donation helps keep this platform alive.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and trust. Together, we can ensure that our gaming community continues to thrive.

Best regards, Ben Taylor


Ben_Taylor dołączył 2 miesiące temu.

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