
Jérôme Tanghe

Developer and amateur astronomer

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Hi there 👋

I'm a backend developer at and an amateur astronomer.

On my free time, I create and maintain:

  • Kosmorro, an astronomy software that helps you to prepare your observation nights
  • f2ap, a server application that connects any website to the Fediverse thanks to its RSS/Atom feed
  • Twason, a Twitch chatbot that you configure with a JSON file
  • checksitemap, a simple program to validate a website sitemap
  • Aurornis, a Python library to help testing command line software

I also contribute to the following projects on a more or less regular basis:

Konta w innych serwisach

Deuchnord posiada następujące konta na innych platformach:


f2ap Gwiazdki 23 Zaktualizowano w tym tygodniu

Connect your website to ActivityPub using your RSS/Atom feed.

checksitemap Gwiazdki 0 Zaktualizowano 4 miesiące temu

A tool to validate your sitemaps

Aurornis Gwiazdki 1 Zaktualizowano 5 miesięcy temu

The Command Line Program Test Helper

twason Gwiazdki 2 Zaktualizowano 2 lata temu

The KISS Twitch bot


Deuchnord dołączył 3 lata temu.

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