

Funding for my File Hosting website(s) and other services

Celem Volkor jest otrzymywanie 10,00 AUD tygodniowo.
Wspieraj   Karta płatnicza Polecenie zapłaty


I spend around $30 AUD a month on a server that runs a bunch of services, which are mostly open for anyone to use for free.

The server is paid out of my own pocket, and it is a non-trivial amount of money for me at the time.

Honestly, if you contribute any amount, I'll give you a email on either of the two domains I run (any funny business and I'll remove you though)

Thanks for even opening this page. 😊


Volkor dołączył 2 lata temu.

Dochód na tydzień (w dolar australijski)

Liczba patronów tygodniowo