

Customizable, convergent, transparent, modular, futuristic css / js framework

Celem efy jest otrzymywanie 25,00 USD tygodniowo.
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  • Bring new features sooner
  • Help cover the costs of hosting, accounting etc and keep efy alive
  • Make privacy more available
  • Standardise convergence and cross-platform apps
  • Help other apps provide a great personalised experience for their users

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efy-apps Gwiazdki 6 Zaktualizowano 2 miesiące temu

The website + a collection of static apps built with efy.

efy Gwiazdki 65 Zaktualizowano 2 miesiące temu

User Customizable CSS / JS framework. Private, modular & convergent apps


efy dołączył 2 lata temu.

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