
Laburo Social

Mastodon instance dedicated to freelance work in Argentina

laburosocial otrzymuje 0,00 USD tygodniowo od 0 patronów.
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In the context of the increasing difficulty of everyday livelihood due to problems that directly affect the Argentinean like inflation, this project was born out of the idea that people hiring other people directly with no intermediaries is the key to, not just overpass inflation but also could potentially alleviate the influence of the capital-driven politics in the region. The pay walled versions of freelance are completely unobtainable for the average worker due to the conversion of the local coin to USD and high taxes. This means basically there's no competition as for right now. The main goal is to offer a freelance platform service and social media, outside of the big data's hands, where clients can hire or buy products from individuals or collectives directly (as other mastodon instances do in other countries), that's why the service is, and will always be, given for free, with no commissions and with no advertising. Also not just offer remote services but also localized labor like construction workers, repairmen and specialists.

The first objective pays for the maintenance of the servers of the instance, once completed I'm planning to hire social communicators to promote the project and ensure it's longevity and growth.

I have the hope that my idea is good enough for other people to start imitating, and I encourage it since it would get us closer to the final objective, which is to offer an stable income to everyone in Argentina who needs one

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laburosocial dołączył 1 rok temu.

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