

I share my thoughts on partictular subjects, give tutorials, and make media.

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I am an artist. I have made media and commentary over the years. I took art classes throughout all of my high school years. I began working on digital in the early 2010s as a hobby. I used a PowerPoint Presentation. In the later years, I learned of different software that was free to achieve the goals of making images, music, and videos. I believe that the correct application can lead to optimal results. Yet at times, PowerPoint has few I have seen that surpass in the mix of getting results and what goes into the work of the software. I have made my first YouTube videos with it, so I can have a bit of a skewed opinion in favor of it. Now, with desktop and mobile applications, my output and quality can be great. Open-source software has been a blessing.

My goal is to capitalize on my interests with the abilities and knowledge I have gathered over the years. Truly, this is just a detailed sentence to describe a generic meaning that everyone should have. I should be more than general. I have known and experienced the internet for a long time. With sites like Blogger and YouTube, etc., I hope to get something out of my time spent on these sites. There are endless advances happening with modern technology, and the global culture around these advances spans out. Memes and products speak volumes about this age. I hope to somewhat plant some benefactors and harvest from this age. I could do that by making tutorials and commentaries on products and philosophies of these times, or by producing my own media like digital graphics or even physical art and inventions.

I know basic diligence turns profits, but it should go where the well is wet. Putting pointless efforts into something that is obviously fruitless is lunacy. I hope to grow wiser and make choices that will have substantial outcomes. Life provides the stones, the sparks, and all in between, so one can create and deconstruct when necessary. I am old enough to notice one era of time after another. I grew up with Star Wars, Transformers, etc. My childhood was one that I am grateful for. There are people in this world who have experienced trauma or worse at an early age. I was and am still blessed that I never had such experiences. I hope that one day I can help make those statistics of trauma and abuse nonexistent. I think in a proper society, the strength of people would be at its apex. If I can contribute and propose in favor of the common goods of society, that is something I can smile back on when I leave this earth. Love, peace, and axle grease should spin the world. I love looking at the universe, for even though we are small in comparison to the seemingly infinite universe, we still matter.

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