

Revel in the marvels of the universe.

merveilles otrzymuje 3,74 USD tygodniowo od 6 patronów.
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Merveilles is a community project aimed at the establishment of new ways of speaking, seeing and organizing information — A culture that seeks augmentation through the arts of engineering and design. A warm welcome to any like-minded people who feel these ideals resonate with them.

We run a mastodon instance located at Donations here go towards keeping the instance running.

  • See more about our instance and rules here.
  • For more about how our money is being spent, see here.
  • To see what improvements and updates we're making to the instance, see our Trello Board.

Anything you can donate to help keep the instance running is welcome. Thank you!

Konta w innych serwisach

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merveilles dołączył 4 lata temu.

Dochód na tydzień (w dolar amerykański)

Liczba patronów tygodniowo