

24ish-year-old CS grad, making software and writing about computers

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hi! I'm a 24ish-year-old queer CS graduate. I write and maintain software you might find useful, whilst trying to avoid actively making the world a worse place.

my most popular project by far is Tab Muter, a Chrome extension which restores the ability to mute individual tabs (install it here!)

you can find more of my stuff on my website:

if you've found any of the things I've made useful, consider sponsoring me. the money will help me to justify spending time on writing and maintaining this stuff, whether that's because I can buy a proper wrist rest so I can spend more time typing, or just because it's nice to know that people care about the stuff I do enough to pay for it.

Konta w innych serwisach

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sorrel dołączył 4 lata temu.

Dochód na tydzień (w funt szterling)

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