
Lindsay Miles

Sustainability content creator

treadingmyownpath otrzymuje 0,00 AUD tygodniowo od 0 patronów.
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Hi! I'm Lindsay. I create free content on my website to help people take action to reduce their waste and live more sustainably. I don't run ads on my site because it goes against what I believe in and stand for: I encourage people to buy less stuff, which I cannot reconcile with showing ads that encourage people to buy more stuff (that they probably don't need).

I also create tiles and resources that are free to download, because I want this knowledge to be used and shared. Donations are a chance for those who have appreciated and used my content to support my work financially, which in turn helps me create more content and keep adding value (free stuff) to my website.

Thank you!

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treadingmyownpath dołączył 4 lata temu.

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